Planning for Funerals and Disposition in North Carolina

Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Old Town Club
Speaker: Tanya Marsh

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Please join us for a presentation by Tanya Marsh on considerations when planning for funerals and disposition under North Carolina law.

Tanya Marsh is a Professor of Law at Wake Forest University, where she teaches courses in Property, Trusts & Estates, and Funeral & Cemetery Law.  Marsh is the author of The Law of Human Remains and co-author (with Daniel Gibson) of Cemetery Law: The Common Law of Burying Grounds in the United States

As one of the nation's foremost scholars on funeral and cemetery law, she is a frequent speaker on issues related to the legal structure of the funeral industry and cemetery law and has written numerous articles on the same.  Marsh is also the founder of a podcast called Death, et seq.  She is licensed to practice law in the State of Indiana and a licensed funeral director in the State of California.


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