Sponsor Sales

We offer the following opportunities for sponsors to promote their businesses to our members at 2024-25 EPC event(s).  If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor, please send an email to estateplanningcouncilws@gmail.com for further information.



Qualification consists of any one of the following:

  • $1,000 payment; or
  • Provide free use of company space for EPC events, and cover food/catering costs; or
  • Sponsor/cover the costs of a national speaker


  • Company name and logo included with advertisements/notices for the sponsored event
  • Podium acknowledgement at the sponsored event
  • Company name and logo posted on the meeting site page of EPC website
  • Tile Ad on homepage of EPC website for 12 months
  • Tile Ad on sponsor page of EPC website for 12 months
  • Complimentary admission for up to 4 attendees at the EPC sponsored event
  • Exhibitors table/booth at the sponsored event
  • Speaking opportunity (up to 5 minutes)
  • For dinner events, opportunity to place 2 pieces per person of your promotional material on tables at the sponsored event




Qualification consists of any one of the following:

  • $500 payment; or
  • Either provide free use of company space for EPC event or cover location costs (without covering food/catering costs)


  • Company name and logo posted with advertisements/notices for the sponsored event
  • Podium acknowledgement at the sponsored event
  • Company name and logo posted on the meeting site page of EPC website
  • Tile Ad on homepage of EPC website for 6 months
  • Tile Ad on sponsor page of EPC website for 12 months
  • Complimentary admission for up to 2 attendees at the EPC sponsored event
  • For dinner events, opportunity to place 2 pieces per person of your promotional material on tables at the sponsored event



Qualification consists of both of the following:

  • $250 payment; and
  • Provide a raffle item of least $50 in value


  • Company name and logo posted with advertisements/notices for the sponsored event
  • Podium acknowledgement at the sponsored event
  • Company name and logo posted on the meeting site page of EPC website
  • Tile Ad on sponsor page of EPC website for 12 months
  • Complimentary admission for 1 attendee at the EPC sponsored event
  • For dinner events, opportunity to place 1 piece per person of your promotional material on tables at the sponsored event